
THeater / film / fill the space

Always find the empty space and fill it respectfully.

Since 2012, Fill the Space has reached 3000 participants worldwide, ranging in age from 4 to 80 years old, and has served as a practical method for teaching creativity, complexity, uncertainty, diversity, individual-society awareness, democracy, conflict management, and humanity in an era of hyper-connected artificial intelligence.


Join Yili Fan, an award-winning theater and film director, to explore Black Sea Sands on Carnahan with its writer Michelle Ross. A script first set in Turkey that tells the story of her Pontian Greek grandparents, Despina and Niko, who survived an ethnic cleansing. The last act is set in the US and told through the lens of her mother, Sofia, the first generation born in America and whose experiences are a world apart from her parents. 

Panelist at the international scientific conference “Humanity in Danger - around genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes” organized by University of Szczecin.

Broken Glass in the Moonlight in Festival d’Avignon 2012, France

Written / Directed by Yili Fan

Broken Glass in the Moonlight in Festival d’Avignon 2012, France

Written / Directed by Yili Fan

Broken Glass in the Moonlight in the Little Alice Theater Festival 2012, Tokyo, Japan

Written / Directed / Starring by Yili Fan